Adobe InCopy
Adobe InCopy
Adobe InCopy
Adobe InCopy

Adobe InCopy

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  • Corporate (Team)
  • Government (Team)

Adobe InCopy lets copywriters and editors style text, track changes, and make simple layout modifications to a document while designers work on the same document simultaneously in Adobe InDesign, all without overwriting each other’s contributions.

    - Simple application of shading to text; includes controls for offsets and more.
    - Footnote enhancements that respect text wrap.
    - Place Gun for adding borders to tables.
    - Color swatch folders for swatch management.
    - HiDPI and Retina display support in Windows.
    - Different page views when editing.
    - Save to Cloud command lets you access files on any device.
    - Shortcuts and preferences memory.
    Convenient hyperlink creation.
    - Middle Eastern language support.

        ~  One year activation for 1 PC or Mac.
        ~  License valid for African region only.
        ~  Digital delivery to your email.
        ~  Your satisfaction is our purpose of service.
        ~  Don't hesitate to contact us for any queries.
        ~  Stay updated with the latest tech!

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